摘要:The present paper deals with the reliability and profit analysis of an automatic power factor controller (APFC) system with three stages of working with respect to variation in power factor. Power factor may vary and result into three categories: controlled, partially controlled and uncontrolled power factor. Due to poor power factor system, many industries have to face many problems like electric loads, energy loads and fuse replacement like. So, there is need to accurate/ appropriate these problems. Study of APFC system, therefore, is of great importance. In the present study, the system is initially operative with controlled factor, then it may transit to the mode where the power factor is partially controlled and vice versa. Also, from the partially controlled power factor mode, the system may transit to a mode of uncontrolled power factor and vice versa. If the system fails, there is need to detect the type of failure by inspection. The type of failure may be 'Fuse blown off' or 'Transformer burnt' or 'Programme problem' or 'output relay faulty'. After repair/replacement on failure, the system goes back to the same controlling mode as was existing at the time of failure. Various measures of system effectiveness have been obtained by making use of regenerative point technique. Graphs have been plotted to draw interesting conclusions related to the revenue per unit up time, loss per unit time during which the power factor remains uncontrolled/partially controlled. Key w ords :- Automatic Power Factor Control (APFC) System, Controlled/Partial Controlled/Uncontrolled Power factor, Measures of System effectiveness, Regenerative point technique.