出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:In the year of 2008, Act of The Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2008 Regarding Waste Management has been issued. Some of the objective of this act are: 1) in Mei 7th, 2013 all disposal sites in Indonesia must implement sanitary landfill and 2) a partnership can be formed between two or more local governments to manage their Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) together with investor or local community in a Regional Solid Wate Disposal Site (RSWDS). Somehow these goals are difficult to achieve because of limited government’s budget and complexities in selecting which local governments should join the partnership and type the of institution to develop to carry all the complex agreements in that partnership. Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) with BCOR (Benefits, Cost, Opportunities, Risks) filter as the tool to analyze technical and economic feasibility of four alternatives institutions (Regional Working Unit, Regional Solid Waste Management Bureau, Joint Secretariat, Regional Public Service Agency) proposed in this research, concludes that Regional Solid Waste Management Board (RSWMB) is the best institution chosen to control and manage Bantargebang disposal site as a Regional Disposal Site. Using Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) to analyze the structure of the five element of the institution of regional disposal site i.e: 1) influenced organizations or groups, 2) involved organizations or groups, 3) the main obstacles, 4) possible or desired changes, and 5) model purpose, this paper offers what elements or factor should has the highest priority in managing a sustainable Regional Solid Waste Disposal Site at Bantargebang, Bekasi.