摘要:Assessment of the quality of borehole water samples from Federal Housing Estate and Sites and Services areas of Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria was conducted to determine the suitability of these borehole water samples. Six samples of borehole water gotten from six different families living in these areas were analyzed for microbial, chemical and physicochemical parametersusing standard analytical method of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). The result of microbial analysis revealed that all the water samples (samples D, E, F, G, H, and M) had total coliform count of 64.0cfu/100ml, 5.0cfu/100ml, 41.0cfu/100ml, 16.0cfu/100ml, 124.0cfu/100ml and 0.0cfu/100ml respectively. This showed that sample D, F, G, and H exceeded the standard of 10 coliform counts/100ml. The entire samples resulted at 0 counts for Escherichia coli . Samples D, F, G and M tested negative for pseudomonas test, whereas samples E and H did not. The chemical analysis showed that all the samples did not meet up with the recommended standard of pH (6.5-8.5).However, there was significant difference (p<0.5) between samples D and E. samples F and J were significantly the same, also as samples G and M. Sample M was the least significant while sample D was the most significant at pH 4.6 and 6.4 respectively. The temperatures were all significantly the same and did not exceed standard limit of 37 0 C. The total dissolved solid also did not exceed the limit of 500ppm and the conductivity limit was not exceeded. All the samples did not exceed limits for zinc, copper, lead, magnesium, cadmium and iron which are 3mg/l, 1mg/l, 0.01mg/l, 0.02mg/l, 0.03mg/l and 0.3mg/l respectively except for calcium, where samples D, E, G and H were beyond standard of 0.4mg/l. All the samples were significantly different for each parameter except for lead of which the entire sample were all the same. The depth of the borehole in relation to the distance of septic tank, distance of neighbor’s septic tank and distance of refuse dump as obtained from these families revealed that sample M had the highest distance and was the least contaminated, whereas sample H had the closest distance and the greatest microbial contamination. The depth of Sample G borehole was according to the regulatory standard of 150 ft., and from the analysis the entire parameters were within standard except for pH.
关键词:Water; Standards; Microbial analysis; Total Dissolved Solid; Metals; Septic tank