摘要:Giardia intestinalis is an intestinal parasite widely prevalent in children attending daycare centres worldwide and has been associated with undernutrition. Stool samples from 48 Guatemalan children (aged 1.5-7 years) attending participating daycare centres were analyzed over five weeks for presence of Giardia intestinalis using light microscopy, ELISA, and rapid dipstick test. Giardia prevalence rates were 43.7% at Week 0 and 44.7% at Week 4, based on ELISA. Intensity, but not prevalence, of infection showed a trend toward decreased weight-for-age (1-tailed p=0.08). We believe that ELISA analysis of stool samples may be further adapted for measuring the intensity of infection in humans. J HEALTH POPUL NUTR 2013 Jun; 31(2): 290-293 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jhpn.v31i2.16394