出版社:Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures
摘要:The research paper intended to view the evolution of micromarketing from its inception in 1988 by Ross Nelson Kay to the new dimension, especially in the 21st century. Also, micromarketing – customer satisfaction model was developed for the study to show the relationship between customer satisfaction, social media and micromarketing. Micromarketing concept is an upspring from long standing principles in marketing which include: market segmentation (target marketing and niche marketing), mass marketing and relationship marketing. The study revealed empirical evidences about the effectiveness of micromarketing to firms. The importance of micromarketing was identified in study. The study concluded that Micromarketing concept to a large extent is adopted by both big/small firms in their operations. It is an essential marketing tool in achieving customer satisfaction in the Airline industry. Social media is the catalyst to the development of micromarketing in the 21st century. Customer loyalty, patronage, and retention are achieved with the adoption of micromarketing in firm’s operations/activities. Micromarketing assists firm’s offering appeal to specific customers or segments. Key words: Micromarketing; Social media; Customer satisfaction