期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
出版社:Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs)
摘要:Interval arithmetic has been extensively used to create guaranteed intersection test when ray tracing implicit surfaces. Aliasing is one of the principal problems in ray trac- ing, but the interval algorithms are not designed to correct this situation. This paper shows a novel technique to create a guar- anteed interval adaptive anti aliasing method (IAA) for inter- val ray tracing of implicit surfaces. The method is based in the study of the coherence of sets of neighboring rays in a pixel, to detect variations over the hit surface. If those variations are not small enough, the area of the pixel is subdivided and the process is started over the new sub pixels. The subdivision continues un- til the variations over the surface are small. This method allows us to obtain a better visualization than traditional interval ray tracing.