期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Android applications is an open source software stackfor developing mobile applications, as it is open source most of themobile applications are developed on android platform. Most ofSmart phone users can download and install the applications fromGoogle play store. While installing the apps users need to agree onthe permissions requested by the apps, they are not given anyother option. Basically, during installation the app users may notaware on some security issues that may arise by agreeing onpermissions. Some of the app developers may have the right tomanipulate sensitive data such as GPS location, images, contactlist, email, log history and files. In this paper, we explain theproblems occurred on sensitive data, what the malicious apps cando to the data, and apply the experiential software engineeringanalysis to find the factors that could potentially influence thepermissions in Android apps.