摘要:Several cities around the world have taken action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but how many know to what extent these measures may affect public health? The aim of this study is to assess the effects on health and well-being of GHG emissions reduction policies in the city of Geneva. Three projects related to climate change mitigation were identified, in three topic areas : urban planning, heating and transport. These projects are : a complex urbanisation plan in a neighbourhood of the city of Geneva (urban planning and heating), a sustainable transportation plan for a district in Geneva (transport) and a strategy to encourage City's employees to use sustainable mobility for local business travel (transport). The main issues investigated were physical activity, air quality, noise and energy. The methodological approach consisted in applying the Health Impact Assessment process. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to assess potential health impacts. For the first project, results show that the energy scenario with the least CO2 emissions is the best for limiting health impacts (and maximising co-benefits). For the second project, results show that the scenario with the most space devolved to pedestrians is the most beneficial for health especially in terms of cardiovascular disease prevention. The analysis of the strategy of the City of Geneva for local business travel revealed that the strengthening of sustainable modes of transportation for this purpose in the city would be favourable in terms of the environment (reduction of CO2, NOx and PM10 emissions) and health. It appears from this case-study in Geneva that cities can play a key role in tackling climate change while bringing co-benefits for health.
关键词:climate change; health; co-benefits; HIA; city