摘要:Pakistan is facing a multi-dimensional attack on its country image. While it isimperative to triumph over negative factors causing Pakistan’s bad countryimage. This research aims to explore optimal corporate brands of Pakistan tobuild their country of origin (CoO) image in light of the consumer-related andcompany-related factors. Exploratory research approach has been deployedto explore potential categories of goods/services containing corporate brands.Subsequently, the explored corporate brands have been assessed in light offactors that persuade image transfer from corporate brands to their country oforigin. Findings confirmed that corporate brands, such as National Bank ofPakistan, United Bank, Habib Bank, Bank Alfalah, MCB Bank, Lucky Cement,DG Khan Cement, Fauji Cement, Attock Cement, Bestway Cement have beenexplored as optimal corporate brands for image transfer to build Pakistan’scountry of origin image.
关键词:Country of origin Image; Image Transfer; corporate image; brand management