摘要:Structural relief is exceptionally recognisable in areas where igneous and metamorphic rocks without a Quaternary cover occur, which is the case with the Kola Peninsula. However, the subject of structural relief has been addressed relatively rarely. Therefore, an attempt was made to estimate the influence of tectonic and lithologic factors on the relief within two test areas, each covering approximately 100 km2, located on the coast of the Barents Sea (Murmansk Terrane) and the White Sea (Lapland Granulite Belt). The structural relief here is varied, which results from differences in the geological structure. In the former area, depressions and tectonic blocks of varying size and order predominate, while east of Kandalaksha these are flattened hills with asymmetrically inclined slopes (having the character of cuestas). Although lithologically diverse, the test areas share a common feature: the presence of numerous faults and dislocation zones that in the case of the Barents Sea caused the division of igneous rocks into several blocks of various orders. Most of the relief forms in this area were found to have structural origins, namely valley depressions of various orders, slopes and escarpments, lake basins and seaside cliffs. The structural relief of the Murmansk Terrane is determined by disjunctive structures. In the case of the Lapland Granulite Belt, the relief of the analysed macroblock is closely linked with the formation and position of the rocks – this is escarpment relief.
关键词:crystalline rocks; structural relief; Kola Peninsula