摘要:The term ‘gully erosion’ covers several geomorphologicalprocesses modeling the slopes and floorsof valleys all over the world. It is the only type ofhillslope water erosion capable of creating permanentlandform features. Gully erosion is also a dynamiclink between slope and fluvial systems. Studiesreveal a substantial impact of human activity on thecharacter and intensity of gully erosion today and inthe past. The agricultural land use is a key factor inthis respect. There is not only a scientific, but also avery practical dimension of studies of gully erosion.The development of gullies generates a threat to agricultureand environment, as well as local settlementand transport infrastructure. It causes the reductionof arable land, leads to the siltation anddamage of roads and possessions, and transports soilmaterial to rivers. Hence it is crucial to perform anaccurate assessment of the risks generated by gullyerosion.