摘要:Korzystając z dawnych i nowych opracowań geologicznych oraz własnych danych petrograficznych i stratygraficznych,autorzy przedstawili swoje poglądy na temat litologii i wieku osadów mineralnych budujących klify pomiędzy Jarosławcema Dębiną. Najnowsze dane odbiegają od zakorzenionych w literaturze poglądów.
其他摘要:New views about lithology and age of deposits building coastal cliffs between Jarosławiec and Dębina, divergingfrom the models rooted in the literature, are presented by the authors. The revision is based on critical re-assessment ofolder and more recent geological reports and new results of petrological and stratigraphic research.The oldest glacial deposit exposed in cliff sections is grey till. Petrological data and TL dating results indicate clearly that itwas deposited during the Świecie stadial. At Jarosławiec site, the till is enriched in Tertiary organic material and divided intotwo layers based on colour. However, petrology and TL age determinations do not differ between these layers. In the cliffsinvestigated, as well as in the other coastal cliffs in the eastern Pomorze region, older tills do not occur. Likewise, tills fromthe main stage of the last glaciation have not been recognized. The Świecie stadial till is overlain by outwash, glacilimnic andlimnic deposits, the latter dated for the Grudziądz interstadial. Almost everywhere the near-surface layer is built of late Holoceneaeolian sand with palaeosols.
关键词:klify; petrografia; stratygrafia; wiek osadów; polskie wybrzeże Bałtyku
其他关键词:cliffs; petrography; stratigraphy; age of sediments; Polish Baltic Coast