摘要:Na podstawie badań terenowych przeprowadzonych po wschodniej stronie rynny jeziora Jasień oraz z wykorzystaniemliteratury z zakresu paleogeografii, autor dokonał rekonstrukcji przebiegu procesów stokowych, które zaszły wpóźnym vistulianie i holocenie. Badania pozwoliły wyróżnić etapy kształtowania się dolinek erozyjno-denudacyjnych i powstawaniaosadów stokowych. Wykazały one również wpływ działalności człowieka na rozwój wymienionych zjawisk i pozwoliłyumieścić je w ramach czasowych.
其他摘要:The Jasień lake trough is situated in northern Poland, in the eastern part of West Pomeranian Lakeland. Maingeomorphic features of the area developed during the advance of the Bytów ice lobe and its subsequent decay, ca. 16,000years ago.Research focused on the evolution of erosion-denudation landforms and characteristics of slope deposits was based on detailedfield work, which involved excavation of numerous test pits within dry valleys dissecting the eastern slopes of the Jasieńlake trough.The onset of valley morphogenesis can be dated for the period immediately preceding the Oldest Dryas. Seasonal concentratedrunoff caused initial dissection of the topographic surface sloping towards the lake. Later on, probably in the OldestDryas, solifluction and surface wash began to re-shape valley sides, which have been later transformed by different processesand yielded different types of sediments. During warmer periods, particularly at their waxing stages, valley floors were subjectto dissection, as testified by pavement surfaces, and stored sediments moved down the valley. Slope deposits formedmainly during cooler stages of the Vistulian and at the turn of the Holocene. Lithologically, they represent stony-gravel horizonsrelated to solifluction and sandy deluvial series.The period between the Preboreal and Subatlantic witnessed little geomorphic activity and is recorded in well developedpalaeosols. Slope activity resumed in the early Middle Ages, under the influence of people.
关键词:rynna jeziora Jasień; dolinki erozyjno-denudacyjne; procesy stokowe; osady stokowe; późny vistulian; holocen
其他关键词:Jasień Lake trough; erosion-denudation valleys; slope processes; slope deposits; Late Vistulian; Holocene