摘要:Wykorzystując wcześniej opublikowane prace oraz materiały jeszcze nieopublikowane, autorzy przeprowadziliocenę danych geologicznych i paleobiologicznych zebranych w rynnie jeziora Jasień z punktu widzenia paleogeograficznego,a przede wszystkim paleohydrologicznego. Analiza ta wykazała trafność większości uwag zawartych we wcześniejszychpracach W. Florka i jego współpracowników traktujących o zmianach poziomu jezior występujących na dnie rynny jezioraJasień. Nowsze dane paleobiologiczne i geologiczne pozwoliły na uściślenie wcześniejszych danych i ich korektę.
其他摘要:The paper focuses on palaeogeography and, dominantly, palaeohydrology of the Jasień lake trough. The analysisis based on re-assessment ofpreviously published geological and palaeobiological data, as well as on new, yet unpublishedmaterials.Geomorphic evidence for lake level changes within the trough includes lake shore terraces, relict cliffs from earlier stages ofhigher lake stands, small and flattened coastal bars, plains built of limnic and palustrine deposits, and deltas formed by tributarystreams (mainly by Obrówka). The current appearance ofall these landforms is the outcome ofprocesses acting sincethe stabilization of lake level in the Atlantic period.The following deposits of late Pleistocene age have been recognized in the Jasień lake trough: outwash sand and gravel,varved clays, calcareous gytja, lake marl with malacofauna, detrital gytja, and moss peat. The Holocene is represented by calcareous,calcareous-detrital and detrital gytja, variously decomposed peat and charcoal.The origin oflake sedimentary sequences was connected with lake level changes. In the late Vistulian the lake stands wereconsiderably higher than today, whereas in the early Holocene the lake level dropped below the present one. Since the middleofthe Atlantic period lake stands in the Jasień trough have fluctuated very little because the main lake is open at thedownstream end, whereas dry periods have resulted in minor oscillations, up to 1 m. Recent drainage and channelizationworks have contributed to the lake level drop by a similar value.
关键词:jezioro Jasień; terasa jeziorna; osady jeziorne; paleogeografia; holocen