期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The design of high performance detectors for optical communication system is a challenging task, sothere is need for balance between absorption efficiency, wavelength ranges and cost which are to be overcome withsuitable structure/design of the detectors. There is a need to study about the various parameters of the photodetectorsand improve these parameters by modelling of Si based photodetectors, their compatibility with different materials.Inorder to improve the efficiency of the photodetector and as well as the cost, Hg1-xCdxTe can be grown on Si/SOIsubstrate. In this thesis the HgCdTe pin MWIR photodetector is being integrated on the Si/SOI substrate and differenceparameters like dark current and quantum efficiency has been analysed, along with it the different curves have beenplotted like the electric field profile, the net doping profile , energy band diagram, electrons and holes concentrationinside the device. The quantum efficiency and dark current of the device on Si/SOI substrate has been compared withthe values of the photodetector device on the conventional CdZnTe substrate and the results are quite comparable at thenear room temperature. The quantum efficiency is nearly around 70-73% with SOI substrate and dark current is in therange of 109A. The dark current is in the range of 10-20A in case of silicon substrate with buffer layers which is veryless and will lead to better efficiency of the device.
关键词:photodetectors; infrared; MWIR; pin; dark current; electric field; waveguide; silicon.