期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Earthquake prediction and mitigation is a very difficult process although we know the probable regions and expected magnitude. But after the development of earthquake engineering there are several methods to reduce the risk of earthquake impact. Large amount of data is required for proper earthquake risk analysis. Data collections through field survey are tedious and costly. Risk analysis using outdated existing information also affects the accuracy of results. But after the development of remote sensing and GIS it is now possible to overcome the difficulties in evaluating the seismic risk of any area with great accuracy. In this study an urban seismic risk assessment system is developed which is very useful for urban planners and disaster management wings because they can use it for estimating probable loss of life and buildings. It is also helpful to develop an earthquake warning system. Study area chosen for this work is part of Sasthamangalam ward of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation.