期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The polysaccharides and proteins of various seeds have bioflocculant properties. The performance ofnaturally occurring Strychnos potatorum was evaluated against the chemical coagulant alum. The study involvedextensive jar test experiments using Strychnos potatorum suspension and alum solution either independently or incombination with spiked turbid water prepared in the laboratory. It was observed that reduction in turbidity leveldepend on the raw water turbidity. Strychnos potatorum was found effective when used in low dosages 0.25 to 3.5mg/L. It acts as good coagulant and coagulant aid at higher turbidity 1000-3000 NTU. The prepared solution ofStrychnos potatorum was kept for 4 days in refrigerator. It was used for removal of turbidity at nearly same raw waterturbidity with identical dose to evaluate the effect of aging. The removal efficiency of Strychnos potatorum solutionwas observed better on second day as compare to first, second and third day.
关键词:Coagulant aid; jar test; Nirmali seed; natural coagulant; aging studies