期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Cloud computing facilitates data protection, privacy and medical record access. Computing is the newtrend to reduce the investment in business to satisfy the client needs using internet. The various cloud servicesprovides infrastructure, software and platform. In cloud computing, data is moved to a remote location. Users storetheir data conscientiously in the cloud and return back when it is needed. But there is no assurance for the data storedin the cloud is secure and not changed by the cloud or Third Party Auditor (TPA).Cloud storage architecture will havea collection of storage servers with higher end configuration which will provides long-term storage services over theInternet and also for the cloud storage system. Here storing and retrieving the data in a third party’s cloud systemcauses serious problems and conflict over data confidentiality during the data transactions. Whenever third partystorage will involved with the cloud server this conflict will occur naturally. But general encryption processor andverifier schemes protect data confidentiality during the transaction of dual execution. In this paper, we propose asecured threshold proxy re-encryption server and integrate it with a decentralized erasure code such that a securedistributed storage system is formulated. The main technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption schemesupports encoding operations along with a key over encrypted messages and forwarding operations over encoded andencrypted messages. This method is implemented for secured data forwarding. During data forwarding a proxy serverwill be created virtually to access the encrypted data from the sender side. This makes less traffic and the original datacontent will not get affected during the time of data transaction. After the transaction the proxy server will be deleted.In this paper, an enhanced method for accessing the user data by B+ tree is proposed. With the help of B++ treealgorithm, the TPA will access the data at the CSP of the time complexity of O (log n). In turn, the user can accesstheir data in an efficient manner.
关键词:B++ tree; encryption; data forwarding; decryption and Proxy; TPA and CSP.