期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Anonymous Communication is the main issue in case of MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks). Manyanonymity enhancing techniques have been proposed based on packet encryption to protect the communicationanonymity of mobile ad hoc networks. It is difficult to find the source and destination of the communication link and theother nodes involved in it. MANETs are still vulnerable under passive statistical traffic analysis attacks due to the opencommunication environment. Communication anonymity [1] is a critical issue in MANETs, which generally consists ofthe following aspects: i) Source/destination anonymity ii) End-to-end relationship anonymity. The scheme fails toaddress several important constrains when deriving the end-to-end traffic from the one hop evidences. In the proposedsystem GSTAR (Generalized Source Tree Adaptive Routing) using Statistical method are capable of discovering thesources, the destinations, and the end-to-end communication relations. It provides anonymous connections that arestrongly resistant to both eavesdropping and traffic analysis. To disclose the hidden traffic patterns in a MANETcommunication system, the proposed system involves the statistical parameters to calculate the probability values ofsource and destination nodes. It uses the captured traffic to construct a sequence of point-to-point traffic matrices andthen derives the end to end traffic matrix [1].