期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has reached epidemic proportions. Worldwide, more than one million newcases of infection are reported annually, and HCV is believed to be more prevalent than hepatitis B virus infection. Thestudy was carried out to genotyping of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in patients of Basra province /Iraq. This study included102 HCV infected patients 49 males and 53 females the age groups between 5-75 years. The selection of the patientsfor genotyping were based on the presence of HCV RNA in plasma by using Real Time-PCR, then detected HCVgenotyping by using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).The results showed prevalence ofgenotypes 1a, 1b, 2 and 3a in 37.25%, 17.65%, 4.90% and 0.98% respectively. Also these study determinate mixinggenotypes (14.7%). Furthermore, distribution of HCV genotypes on studied groups showed high prevalence of 1agenotype in digestion system patients (14.71%), hemodialysis unit patients (11.76%), oncology children/child hospital(5.88%) and Center of hereditary blood disease patients (4.90%), then 1b genotype (9.80%) in digestion systempatients, (3.92%) in hemodialysis unit patients, (0.98%) in oncology children/child hospital and (2.94%) in Center ofhereditary blood disease patients. Also a 2 genotype was found only in digestion system patients (3.92%), hemodialysisunit patients (0.98%). while 3a genotype has 0.98% in digestion system patients only. Based on these results, it couldbe concluded genotype (1a and 1b subtypes) was a predominant of HCV genotypes in patients.