期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Water is very essential natural resource for sustaining life and environment that we have alreadyavailable as a free gift of nature[1-4]. Water is universal solvent. The different concentration of ions, minerals, othersubstances present in water that changes its physical, chemical and biological properties. The earth is combination ofdifferent geological, hydrological and climatic conditions. Geological conditions include type of soil, types of rocks,types of minerals, nature of terrain i.e. hilly area, valley etc. present in particular study area while in hydrologicalcondition type of precipitation, recovery of water bodies, utilization of the water bodies are includes. Sometimesmanmade activities depends on the land use pattern may be changes the water quality. e.g. the land utilized foragriculture purpose and if the agrochemicals are utilized for unscientific manner then the contamination of water bodiesthrough runoff and percolation can be occurred. In this paper we had taken the North-east region of Karad which isabout 90% agricultural lands for study purpose. By analysis of nitrates and alkalinity we get the present scenario ofwater bodies.
关键词:Water Bodies; manmade activities; quality parameters; water quality