期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The structures are generally constructed on level ground; however, due to scarcity of level grounds theconstruction activities have been started on sloping grounds. There are two types of configuration of building onsloping ground, the one is step back and the other is step back setback. In this study, G+ 10 storeys RCC building andthe ground slope varying from 100 to 300 have been considered for the analysis. A comparison has been made with thebuilding resting on level ground. The modelling and analysis of the building has been done by using structure analysistool ETAB 2015, to study the effect of varying height of the column in bottom storey at different position during theearthquake. The seismic analysis was done by the response spectrum analyses have been carried out as per IS:1893(part 1): 2002. The results were obtained in the form of top storey displacement, Storey Acceleration, Base shear andMode period. It is observed that short column is affected more during the earthquake.