期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The engine is the heart of any vehicle and heat is mainly generated in the engine. The coolingmechanism of any engine is mainly dependent on the design of the fin and fin material. Fins are used to increase theheat transfer rate of any surface. Generally aluminum alloy with thermal conductivity 235W/m-K is used as fin materialin the bikes and our aim of the analysis is to study the different materials which can be used in fins and analyze thecooling rate by varying the heat flux accordingly. The model of rectangular fin is created and thermally analyzed withthe help of ANSYS software which is FEA based. FEA divides (descretize) the structure (which is continuousotherwise) into small but finite, well defined, elastic substructure (element).Element type SOLID87 which has tetrahedral 10 node structure is well suited to model irregular meshes (suchas produced from various CAD/CAM systems). The element has one degree of freedom, temperature, at each node.