摘要:Hepatitis B virus (HBV) variants with core internal deletions were isolated from renal graftrecipients in whom an association with end stage liver disease was observed. The aim of this workwas evaluation of intracellular localisation of these HBV core variants with internal deletions.Infection of baby hamster kidney cell culture BHC-21 C13 with recombinant Semliki Forest virusesencoding the deleted variant and undeleted wild type HBV core (HBc) genes led to the detectionof HBc protein within the nucleus only in the case of deletion variants. Deleted HBc protein in allprobability may be partially unfolded, hence unstable. As a consequence, deleted HBc proteinsare not part of HBV nucleocapsids, but are left unassembled and are able to cross the nuclearmembrane. We suggest that the presence of deleted HBc proteins within the cell nucleus may be ofpathogenic importance.