摘要:Presentamos el caso de una mujer hipertensa de 72 años que es valorada en Consultas de Cirugía por úlceras cutáneas pretibiales sobreinfectadas y recidivantes. En las radiografías de la extremidad se observan calcificaciones en partes blandas y la biopsia informa de nódulos subepidérmicos calcificados. Ante estos hallazgos es remitida a Consultas de Medicina Interna para completar estudio. En la anamnesis se descartan traumatismos en la zona y consumo de fármacos ricos en calcio o fósforo; la exploración física es normal, salvo lesiones previamente descritas. Se solicita estudio para descartar patología subyacente que pudiera justificar cuadro, sin evidenciarse posible causante. Dado que la calcicosis cutánea de la paciente no es secundaria a lesiones titulares, ni se evidencian alteraciones metabólicas ni procedimientos médicos que la justifiquen, y no se objetivan lesiones a otro nivel, se establece del diagnóstico de calcinosis cutánea localizada idiopatía. Se trató con diltiazem.
其他摘要:We present the case of a woman of 72 years with high blood pressure evaluated in Surgery Outpatient Unit for overinfected and recurring pretibial cutaneous ulcers. In the radiographies of the extremity, calcifications were observed in soft parts and the biopsy showed calcified subepidermic nodules. Because of these findings, she was sent to Internal Medicine Consultations to complete the study. In the anamnesis, traumatism in the zone was ruled out, and was there consumption of calcium or phosphorous rich medicines; the physical exploration was normal, except for the lesions described previously. A study was requested to rule out any underlying pathology that might justify the clinical picture, without a possible etiological pathological cause in evidence. Given that the cutaneous calcinosis of the patient was not secondary to titular lesions, nor was there evidence of metabolic alterations or medical procedures that might justify it, and no lesions at another level were found, the diagnosis was established of idiopathic localised cutaneous calcinosis. It was treated with diltiazem.