标题:Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak meniran merah (Phyllanthus urinaria) terhadap penekanan jumlah limfosit pada organ timus mencit balb/C yang diinfeksi bakteri Salmonella thypi
摘要:Ifandari, Suranto, Wuryaningsih YNS. 2012. Effect of Phyllanthus urinary extract onthe suppression of lymphocytes in the thymus organs of mice BALB / C infected bySalmonella thypi bacteria. Bioteknologi 9: 1-6. Phyllanthus urinaria is one of speciesin genus Phyllanthus, which has variety of morphologycal characteristics andussually used as traditional herb medicines. Now days, this plant has beenintensivelly treated for laboratory experiment especially for diuretic, hipoglicemic,anti hepatitis B and anti cancer. The aims of this research were to investigat effectP.urinaria tretments on the total number of lymphocyte in thymus organs of miceBalb/C infected by Salmonella thypi; and to study the variety dosage effect of P.urinaria extracts to descrease lymphocyte cells. The study designed with post testonly control group to 48 Balb/C mice. The experiment was 8 groups consist ofnegative control, positive control, treatments with variety dosage 3x0,065 mg/day,3x0,130 mg/day and 3x0,260 mg/day for P.urinaria and P.niruri. The experiment wasdoing in 10 days with orally treatments, and Salmonella injected in mice at 4th day. At11th day, mice were killed and the lymphocyte was isolated from thymus.Lymphocyte were counted. The results showed that P.urinaria treatments hasdescrease the total number of mice Balb/C lymphocyte on spleen to normalcondition. The variety dosage of P.urinaria did not effect to descrease lymphocytecell.