摘要:Artemia is one of live feed needed in aquaculture as fishes and crustacean.Commercially, Artemia usually sold in dry cysts which can kept for years.The aim of this research were to know increasing quantity and quality A.franciscana cysts after exposing various concentration of fish silage asartificial food and to know optimal concentration of fish silage that canincrease quantity and quality A. franciscana cysts. This research was donein Laboratory of Live Feed BBPBAP Jepara Central Java. This research wasconducted by 5 treatments. Treatments were grouped based on amount ofconcentration given, i.e: control (coconut cake) with concentrate 10 g/m3,fish silage concentrate 10, 20, 30, and 40 g/m3. Parameter investigated werenumber of cysts produced by individual female A. franciscana, diameter ofA. franciscana cysts, hatching percentage, and hatching rate of A.franciscana cysts. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and continued usingTukeys test at significant level 5%. The result of this research showed thatexposing fish silage can increase quantity and quality A. franciscana cysts.They were increase number of cysts production by individual females,decrease cysts diameter, increase hatching percentage and hatching rate.Optimal concentration of fish silage on increase quantity and quality of A.franciscana cysts was 20 g/m3.
关键词:A. franciscana; cysts production; fish silage; coconut cake.