摘要:Phenol is a toxic organic compound that potentially contaminates particularterritorial water, decreases water quality, and disturbs territorial waterecosystem. The aims of this research were to find isolate of bacteria thatable to degrade phenol and select them to obtain the best isolate ondegrading phenol. The isolates used in this research were from Kawenganoil well in Cepu. It consist of 16 isolates of Bacillus spp. Five isolates werechosen based on its growth activity in a liquid mineral medium contained100 ppm phenol. The optimum amount of phenol for the chosen isolateswas determined by inoculating them in a mineral medium containingdifferent amount of phenol. Growth curve was then constructed, and theability of the isolate on decreasing phenol concentration in the mineralmedium measured by using UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The result of theresearch indicated that the reduction of phenol taken place as a result ofphenol biodegradation by 5 best isolates of bacteria. The decrease of thephenol concentration measured for 24 hours were: Bacillus sp 1 dcreasedthe phenol up to 214.21 ppm, Bacillus sp 4 up to 224.67 ppm; Bacillus sp 6up to 217.28 ppm; Bacillus sp 8 up to 197.91 ppm; and Bacillus sp 12 up to208,34 ppm subsequently. The isolate of Bacillus sp 4 indicated the highestability of biodegradation that is can decreasing phenol equal to 56.17%during 24 hours