摘要:Lactic acid bacteria are used in the production and preservation of variousfermented foods such sauerkraut (asinan sawi). Beside that, lactic acidbacteria have an important role in the inhibition of pathogenic bacteria andspoilage bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria produce several antimicrobialsubstance including organic acids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide,diacetyl and bacteriocins which are responsible for antagonistic activities.The aim of the research was to evaluate the antimicrobial activities of lacticacid bacteria isolated from asinan sawi on the growth of Staphylococcusaureus ATCC 25923 and Escherichia coli which have been isolated fromfaces of diarrhea illness patient. Eight isolates lactic acid bacteria that wereisolated from sauerkraut (asinan sawi): Lactobacillus AS1, LactobacillusAS2, Lactobacillus AS3, Lactobacillus AS4, Lactobacillus AS5, LactobacillusAS6, Lactobacillus AS7, Leuconostoc paramesenteroides were screened fortheir ability to inhibit the growth of S. aureus ATCC 25923 and E. coli whichhave been isolated from faces of diarrhea illness patient. Antimicrobialactivity of lactic acid bacteria were determined by well-agar diffusionmethod. All cultures lactic acid bacteria had an ability to inhibit the growthof pathogen bacteria that was used in this research. The highestantimicrobial activity showed by Lactobacillus AS6 indicated by the widestof inhibition zone was 5.16 mm of E. coli and 5.50 mm of S. aureus. Thisresearch noted that all supernatant neutral of lactic acid bacteria isolatewere made sub inhibitory activity both to pathogenic bacteria.