摘要:Soy sauce as one of the soy fermented product could be produced throughfermentation by molds and then fermentation by bacteria and yeasts, in saltsolution (moromi). The aims of this research were to evaluate and tocompare the value of carbohydrate), lipid, and protein in soy sauce whichwere produced from tempe by mixing Rhizopus oligosporus and R. oryzaewith and without moromi fermentation; to compare the taste, aroma andcolor of soy sauce have been produced and commercial soy sauce, i.e. Bangoand Lombok Gandaria. The value of carbohydrate (reducing sugar andstarch), lipid, and protein in soy sauce which were produced by mixing ofR. oligosporus and R. oryzae with difference treatment by moromi andwithout moromi fermentations, were analyzed. The satisfaction test wasconducted to compare the taste; aroma and color between soy sauce havebeen seasoning, and the commercial soy sauce Bango and LombokGandaria. Soy sauce could be made from tempe without moromifermentation. Protein and lipid value of soy sauce from tempe withoutmoromi fermentation were higher than soy sauce from tempe with moromifermentation; such as lipid, but not significantly. Carbohydrate value of soysauce from tempe without moromi fermentation was lower than soy saucefrom tempe with moromi fermentation. Soy sauce from tempe withoutmoromi fermentation had the taste and aroma which more preferable thansoy sauce from tempe with moromi fermentation.