期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
出版社:Shri Pannalal Research Institute of Technolgy
摘要:Biometric based authentication and recognition,the science of using physical or behavioral characteristic foridentity verification is becoming a security principal in manyareas. Their utilization as an authentication and recognitiontechnology has become widespread from door access toelectronic commerce. Security is a very important aspect in thebiometric system itself. Biometric recognition system includesone of the biometric trait as palmprint, Palmprint recognitionhas been investigated over last fifteen years. During this period,many different problems related to palmprint recognition andsecurities in the system have been addressed. This paperprovides an overview of palmprint research, describing incapture devices, preprocessing, verification, palmprint -relatedfusion and measures of security and for protecting users’privacy and palmprint system. Finally some conclusion andsuggestion is offered.