期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The DFIG based wind turbine withvariable speed feature is the most popular wind powergenerator in the wind power industries. To implementa DFIG, the stator is directly connected to three-phasegrid and the rotor is fed via three phase back to backac-dc-ac converter. Generally various kinds of faultsoccur in a system. When a fault occurs in a DFIG, itcauses the damage of the converter circuitry. In orderto avoid this damage of the system and to protect thesystem, the identification should be done at an earlierstage. Hence an accurate and efficient identificationhelps in protection of the system from abnormality. Inaddition to the identification of these faults, theirclassification should also be done accordingly such asL-L, L-G, L-L-G and L-L-L-G faults. In this paper aDFIG connected to wind turbine is considered and itsfaults are analysed i.e. the faults are identified andclassified using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).The entire work is carried out in Matlab/Simulinkplatform.
关键词:wind turbine; DFIG; back to back ac-dcac;converter; L-L; L-G; L-L-G;L-L-L-G; Discrete;Fourier Transform