期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Power electronics plays an important rolein controlling the drives. Digital control technologyhas been rapidly developed for power electronics andelectrical drives, and it has been the impetus to thewidespread use of a permanent magnet synchronousmotor in many industrial applications such as chipmount machines, semiconductor production machines,high-resolution computerized numerically controlledmachine tools, robotics, and hard disk drives. APMSM has low noise, low inertia, high torque-tocurrentratio, high efficiency, robustness, and lowmaintenance cost. We propose a genetic algorithm(GA) based speed regulator system for a permanentmagnetsynchronous motor. By using the GA themotor acceleration observer as well as a speedregulator is designed. In terms of linear matrixinequalities, sufficient conditions for the existence ofthe regulator and observer are derived. Simulationand experimental results are given to verify that theproposed digital control method can be successfullyused for a PMSM under model parameter and loadtorque variations.