期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Malicious software typically residesfurtively on a user’s computer and interacts with theuser’s computing resources. The goal is to improve thetrustworthiness of a host and its data by classifying thedata to secure the file. Specifically, the new mechanismis provided that ensures the provenance of criticalsystem information and prevents bots from utilizinghost resources in peer to peer systems. Data integritydefines the security property which states that thesource where a piece of data is generated cannot bespoofed or tampered. This project describes acryptographic provenance verification approach andapplying classification mechanism to find out the ratioof good and bad word count before rejection oforiginal file. This ensures system properties and thesystem-data integrity, and then the application isdemonstrated in the keystroke integrity verification.Specifically, it first designs and implements anefficient cryptographic protocol that provides dataintegrity. The protocol prevents the imitation of fakekey events by malware under the reasonableassumptions. Then demonstrate the provenanceverification approach by realizing the lightweightframework. If the verification fails each of the contentis compared with trained data set to conclude thecontent must be malicious to the peer so on the attackbasis is just warns the peer, otherwise the file will bereceived successfully and safe.