期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:A field experiment was conducted during summer season of 2004 and 2005 to find out the effect ofvarious sources (FYM, VC and PM) and rates of organic manures (100%, 125%, 150% RND) on yield, quality andeconomics of onion (Pusa Red) on a sandy clay-loam soil low in available N and medium in available phosphorus andpotassium. Pooled data analysis revealed that the application of organic manure significantly influenced the yieldattributes and bulb yield of onion over 100% RND as urea (control). Progressive increase in dose of all the organicmanures significantly increased the bulb yield, haulm yield, pungency (%) and nutrient uptake (NPK). The applicationof 150% RND as poultry manure gave higher bulb (270.84 q ha-1) and haulm yields (35.13 q ha-1) than other sourcesand levels of organic manures. Soil physical parameters viz. bulk density and water stable aggregates did not showedany profound effect due to addition of organic materials. The maximum organic carbon build up was accured (0.54%)when 150% RND was supplied through PM (T4). Soil biological properties showed improvement in the soil microbialcounts over its initial values at the end of 2-years due to supplementation of organic sources. All the organic treatmentsrecorded higher economic returns over control and the highest net returns (Rs. 74,233 ha-1) was obtained due to 100%as poultry manure followed by 125% RND as poultry manure (Rs. 72,195ha-1) which was 105.05 per cent higher thancontrol (Rs. 36,202 ha-1). The net benefit-cost ratio was also highest with 100% RND applied as poultry manure (2.33).