期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This study was carried out in 147 forest units of seven sites of Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) in 2009 and2012 to analyse and compare the structure of biodiversity within community based forest management (CBM) and statemanaged systems (SMS) and investigate the relationship among biodiversity indices. For each of these managementmodes, we simultaneously analysed 24 indices that are theoretically complementary and relate to number of species,evenness and diversity. Principal component analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation and multiple regression analysis(MLRA) were carried out to investigate empirical relationships between the selected indices. Under landscape levelconservation, CBM has been found significantly better than SMS on diversity indices. The results confirmed thatinstead of using PCA and MLRA separately, use of factor score of PCA in MLRA can offer a good opportunity fordeveloping and predicting model or equations on performance of biodiversity without multicollinearity problem.
关键词:Terai Arc Landscape; biodiversity indices; community based forest management; government managed;forests; multiple regression analysis; principal component analyses