期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under its ownweight. The highly fluid nature of SCC makes it suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in sections withcongested reinforcement. Use of SCC can also help minimize hearing-related damages on the worksite that are inducedby vibration of concrete. Another advantage of SCC is that the time required to place the concrete in large sections isconsiderably reduced. In this paper the performance of SCC by varying the range of micro silica as partial replacementof cement is studied. When used as an admixture micro silica can improve the property of concrete in both fresh andhardened state .The trial mixes are formed based on the EFNARC specifications. Cement is replaced with variouspercentage of micro silica (5%, 10%). The workability properties of mix are evaluated by workability tests such asslump flow test, V-funnel. L-Box tests. In this study the performance of concrete mix with micro silica, superplasticizer and VMA is evaluated. It was found that te compressive strength of cubes at 5% replacement is 28% higherthan that of 10% replacement.