期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Advertising has become the most effective ways for the companies to transmit the product information’sto the target consumers. The words, graphics and images are used to display the products in such a way with theintention to attract the consumers and make them to think and purchase the product among the other available othercompanies products. The main ways of attracting the consumer is by using all types of endorsement, using celebrityappearance, message strategy, and the involvement strategy. The previous researches have proved that celebrityendorsement, advertising appeal and advertising effect significantly and positively affects the consumers purchaseintentions. There is a strong perception and purchase intentions are also reported in the research findings. The purchaseintentions were positively correlated with perceptions with the message strategy and with the celebrity endorsementand with the involvement factors.