期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXIX Part B4
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:The Lower Yellow River is the famolls "sllsppnded river" [or its silt sedil:lent, ar,ld th~~Yellow River DeltA(YFW) is one of til(' most ilctl, ve (1e it a 1'11t he wor ld becaus. e the rlve.r ,tal l chang'esit.s course very frequently. In our research, we applied the Geographic 1I1f~rTT1at.1on Systcr~_. , I' l t'l the environmental evolutlon of the LOWCI(GIS) and remote sensing to geo-analysls ane Slf1lU a (,L. . I U- I It. e lutionalYellow Hiver iJnu the Delta. The aim of OUI- rcs8,'lrch 1:; to try to revea. 18 (0.'.,1 .vO., .'rule, to simulate the environmental evolution pl-oceclure and to forecast the future clevelopmcct1tof the. yellow River DelLa.1. Looking bilck the developed history of the I,owc'r Yellow River and its Delt~.. .2. Establishing the Digital Eleva~ion ~lodel([)I,:~1), aile! analysing and researclllng the Slit depo--sitlonili situiltion of the Yellow Pi~er [)('~Ia., _ h1' I 'n t.he com ute'r'3. By designing the special computer slmulat: Ion nnc1 dl splay soft\;Jar~, es:a .IS 11 g : 1 . Pdynamic simuliltional c1emonstratton system, alJd I-eproclucing the tllstor1cal evolutlC;! of theriver courses and COilSt lines from B.C. 2?7g, From 1855 and from 193 /+ to present III the Yellowl{iver !leltil area.LL Analysing the vegeLation evolution from lWi rJ, implementing the quantitative research, andforecasting the future development.