期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXIX Part B1
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:This paper, theoretica11y and practically, states aset of applied formulae of much higher accuracy forcaI ibrating a11 of the applied geometric parametersof aerial photogrammetric cameras, wi th only theangles 01. 01' ß measured wi th goniometer. Accordingto the parameters calibrated by the formulae, theradial and trutgentlal distortions of points in aphotograph can be accurately corrected, and theposition of image principal point can be exactlydetermined abiding by the definition in photogrammetry.The accuracy of photogrammetry can be enhancedif the formulae are applied to production