期刊名称:ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
卷号:XXXV Part B2
出版社:Copernicus Publications
摘要:The project was one of the most i mportant projects of P RC L and And Res ources Minis try in 2001. Land-using Tre nds RS Wat ching was signific ant components of P RC Land And Res ources Minis try ne w overall inves tigati ng of land a nd re sources . The i mpleme ntation of t his projec t wa s very im portant to strengthen l and manage ment, to ensure dynami c stat e balance and occ upying com pensat ing ba lance of cultiva ted land total am ount in Shandong provi nce. The proje ct a pplied t he s oftware of P CI versi on 8.1 to re ctify, to match, to inl ay and to fuse wi th mul ti-sources a nd multi-ti melines s re mote s ensing data t o S P OT TM and ETM sat ellite s data , promote d spati al resolut ion of surface fe atures and dis tinguishi ng capabi lity o f spe ctrum. The project appli ed t hre e kinds of wa ys to pick up change land-using information, dis covered change la nd-us ing inform ation in ma xi mal e xt ent. The project fixed pos ition of change map-spec k s patial data precis ely, de termined the sma lles t m ap-spec k area of different of sate llites da ta, accompl ished integration of RS and GP S, promote d accura cy and re liabili ty of watching re sults , obtai ned inte grat ed wat ching achieve ment of vector data grid dat a and attribute dat a, by wild inves tigation veri fic ation and GP S sit e surveying
关键词:Land-us ing; RS ; GP S ; Changed Information; Rect ify; Match; F use; S handong P rovince