期刊名称:Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law
出版社:University of Georgia School of Law
摘要:By W. Paul Gormley, Published on 07/20/16
关键词:Professor Bishop; Cases and Materials on International Law; ICRC; OECD; Absolute state sovereignty; League of Nations; Humanitarian Intervention; Stanleyville Rescue Operation; Guarantee Clause; 1919 Bilateral Treaty; 1922 Geneva Convention; South West Africa controversy; Mandate System; 1966 South West Africa case; Namibia Advisory Opinion; ICJ; Permanent Mandates Commission; League Council; Domestic jurisdiction; Communications from Individuals and Organizations Alleging Violations of Human Rights; ECOSOC; The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; UN Covenants; The European Convention on the Human Rights; European Commission of Human Rights; European Court of Human Rights; Strasbourg tribunals; Inter-American Convention on Human Rights; Professor Sohn; Trusteeship Council