Pre-eclampain or eclampain is a cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. It is characterized by the triad of maternal hypertension, proteinuria and generlized edema. The etiology of pre-eclampain or eclampsia is thought to be a decreased placental perfusion which results in an increased production of renin, angiotensin, aldosteron, thrombolplastin and a decreased production of prostaglandin. Anesthesiologists have to perform anesthesia technic for high-risk toxemia of pregnancy, and make proper choices of anesthesia method and drugs. Advantages of general anesthesia for Cesarian-section in cases of eclampsia include rapid induction, less hypotension, control of ventilation and fetal oxygenation. Disadvantages include myocardial depression from the anesthetic drugs, hypertension during light anesthesia, the interacion between manesium sulfate and muscle relaxante which might lead to prolonges respiratory paralysis and neonatal depression associated with the general anesthesia. The author used general anesthesis for the Cesarian-section in two severe toxemic patients who had pulmonary edema and bloody sputum because of congestive heartfailure. One patient had cardiac arrest upon arrival at the emergency room and after cardiopulmonary resuscitation the cesarian-section was performed. The mother had complets recovery, but the baby expired in twenty-ninehours. The Mother and twin babies in the other case had complete recovery.