The disorders of cardiac and pulmonary function as complications due to scoliosis have been described by numerous investigators since Hippocrates. The abnormalities of respiratory and cardiovascular function in scoliosis include reduced lung volume and compliance of the total respiratory system, arterial hypoxemia, which may be associated with hypercarbia, imparied chemical regulation of ventilation and increased pulmonary vascular resistance. We recently had six severs scoliotic patients who underwent Cesarean section under balanced anesthesia in Chonbuk National University Hospital. The following conclusions were obtained through our experiences in regards to the anesthetic management. 1) Arterial blood gas must be checked serially. 2) Anesthesiologists must know the degree of abnormality of the spine and the cardiopulmonary dysfunction. 3) During anesthesia intermittent positeve pressure breathing(IPPB) or positive end expiratory pressure(PEEP) is nedded ofr good oxygenation. 4) Length and location of endotracheal tube is very important. 5) For treatment of postoperative complication, digitalizations, hronchodilators and mechanical ventilation may be needed.