Clinical analysis was done of 284 head injured patients admitted to the hospitals in the Chonbuk area from January to December 31, 1984. The results were the following. 1) Head injury occureed mostly in the 3rd and 4th decade and male patients were 3.7 times as friquent as the female patients. 2) The main cause of head injury was traffic accidents(79%) Other causes were blunt traums, falls, and gunshot in that orer. Many of the traffic accidents involved motorcycles. 3) The accidents were prevalent between 6 and 12 P.M. on Wednesday and Thursday, and in spring and autumn. 4) There was close relation between the level of the consciousness and the death rate of the victims. That is, everyone who was clear or in a stuporous mental state at the time of operation survived, while most of the patients who were semi-or fully comatose died. 5) The time lag between the accident and the surgical operation was 1 to 3 hours. 6) 71% of the injuries were epidural and subdural hematomas, and the rest of the injuries were compressed skull fracture, hemorrage inside the brain parenchyme, in that order. 7) The anesthesia was induced mostly with thiopental sodium and maintained with halothane-N2O-O2 sequence(91.5%). NLA was used in the rest ofr anesthesia(9.1%). 8) Total anesthesia time lapsed for the operation was 2~3 hour in 38%, 3~4 hour in 25% and less than 1 hour in 1.7%.