摘要:The end of an intimate relationship is a common incident in pre-marital young adult relationship.Hence, there are only a few literatures that explain this phenomenon. Therefore, this article is made to explainthe definition, effect, individual differences and theoretical model explaining relationship dissolution, especiallyin young adult woman ini Indonesia. Theoretical review is used to analyze one case of young adult woman inJakarta seeking for professional help in a Psychology Clinic. Method used to analyze data is qualitative,phenomenology with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) technique. Data are gathered with semistructured, open-ended and non-directive questions. The result of this study is the respondent going through theprocess of "making-confiding account" and griefing process with the passing of counseling. Theoreticalunderstanding of the implications of the breakup on the practice of clinical psychology will also be addressed inthe discussion.
关键词:relationship dissolution; relationship breakup; young adult