摘要:During 2006 until 2007 there were plenty of songs that are lyrical about adultery or polygamy, in linealso with the emergence of the phenomenon of polygamy and infidelity by some famous people ranging frombusinessmen, preachers, politicians, to academics. One of the most popular songs is a song titled “Jadikan Akuyang Kedua”. Surprisingly, although the title shows that this song legalized polygamy, the majority of listenerswho request the song to be played in radio stations are women. The research reveals about the marginalizationof women that is implicitly contained in a song lyrics. The research method used is critical discourse analysiswith analytical techniques using the model of Norman Fairclough. This study uses substantive theoreticalframework such as hegemony, ideology, patriarchy, and feminism and the discourse analysis theory fromMichael Foucault. The results showed that the Song is a discourse to marginalize women who occupy the firstposition, while for the second women or femme fatale, this song is empowering them. Song writer has the powerto shape the ideology of consumer (listener) toward his patriarchal ideology. He wants to use his power toencourage the women to dare to become a femme fatale