摘要:Devout Business context affects the expectations of stakeholders about interpersonal relationships. This study develops a better understanding of Business relationships in devout context by defining a new construct, Devout Business Relationships (DBR), and by developing a new scale for measuring the construct. The Churchill’s paradigm adapted by Negra and Mzoughi was adopted. A total of 76 items were generated based on the 41 interviews. This set of items was reduced to 18 after dropping out redundant or not representative items. In a pilot study, factor analysis on the 18-item scale yielded a three-factor structure scale of seven items with a reliability ranging from 0.7 to 0.8. The Devout Business Relationships Scale (DBRS) was statistically confirmed and validated, in a subsequent investigation. The proposed measurement scale warrants further exploratory study. Future research should assess the validity across different devout geographies. Academics will find devout context specific measurement instrument useful in their research efforts. Moreover, managers will also find it useful for evaluating their business relationship performance in such context
关键词:Interpersonal Relationships; Devout Business Context; Relationship Marketing; Construct Validity; Scale development