摘要:In attention to the growth of motor skills which is a base for later learning, the students with dysgraphia disorder have some kinds of problems in this issue so this disorder somehow should be treated which their motor difficulty vanished before education age. Material and methods: 20male students age from 9 to 11 with dysgraphia disorder base on criteria of DSM-IV, Wechsler intelligence test and Kelchy writing test (2007) have been selected as experimental group and 20 male students with same age have been selected as control group too. The both groups have been investigated by motored growth test (Lincon oseretsky test) and then accumulated data has been analyzed by the statistical software of SPSS10 and T-test. Findings: the students with dysgraphia disorder had weaker performance in the motor growth test of Lincon oseretsky, they also have problems in the arrangment of movement, motor inhibition, motor balance, harmony, motor flexibility, quick displacement and the rate motor activity. There was significant difference between the gross motor skill of students with dysgraphia disorder and normal one (p=0.003). The handy fine motor skill of the students with dysgraphi disorder significantly was weaker than normal students (p<0.001). The harmony and balance of the student’s hand with dysgraphia significantly is weaker than normal students (p<0.001). Results: According the acquired results, this idea can be created in the mind of experts and therapists that motor-coordinated evaluation probably can be useful for prevention and treatments of children with dysgraphia disorder