摘要:A study was carried out to assess the various health risk factors among the staff members of the Lalla Ded hospital Srinagar. The survey was conducted for three months i.e. during April to June 2012. The data were collected by using questionnaire to the staff and waste handlers. Questionnaires were used to survey the hospital wastes in terms of collection, transportation, segregation, treatment and disposal and to collect available information for analysis of the system. The most immediate threat to human health is the careless disposal of sharps, which comprise only 10% of the waste by weight. Proper segregation and collection of these materials in rigid puncture-proof containers, which are then subject to appropriate treatment and disposal, should be a high priority. Using needle cutters and needle boxes would minimize the risk at the source of waste generation. Training on handling and management of sharps is essential. The study concludes that healthcare waste management should go beyond data compilation, enforcement of regulations and acquisition of better equipment. It should be supported through appropriate education, training and the commitment of the healthcare staff, management and healthcare managers within an effective policy and legislative framework
关键词:Biomedical waste; Pollution; Health effects; Awareness; Management